Our Company

Focused on Australian Gold and Base Metals Exploration

FirstAU was formed in mid-2018 and has assembled an experienced exploration team that is well qualified to increase value and make a major discovery in the Company’s Victorian, Western Australian and South Australian gold and base metal assets. This is backed with a Board that has significant management and corporate experience.

FirstAU Corporate strategy is to:

  • Use modern exploration thinking and techniques, with experienced personnel, to develop the Company’s gold and base metals projects in Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia
  • Increasing the FirstAU portfolio, by seeking new exploration opportunities, through strategic  tenement pegging of new ground, and acquisition and joint ventures in key mineral provinces in Australia
  • Ensure sufficient working capital is available for the Company to peruse rigorous exploration campaigns

Board and Management


Daniel Raihani

Daniel Raihani

Non-Executive Director

Lei Shi

Lei Shi

Non-Executive Director

Corporate Directory

Victorian Gold Project

Eastern Goldfields, Victoria

Gimlet Gold Project

Kalgoorlie, Western Australia